Uvalde Log Cabin


Uvalde Log Cabin, 51x51, May 2022, commercial and upcycled textiles

How do we deal with news of human suffering on a global scale? Voltaire wrote Candide as a way to process a 1755 earthquake, which he never would have had to know about except as a tale brought to town by merchants. But communication technology required him to witness the event. And we must honor what we witness with our time and our presence, which is prayer. On the day that communication technology had me witness a man kill 19 children and their teachers while their parents listened helplessly outside as the police did worse than nothing, I slowed down, set my intention, and put my phone away so that although I cannot weep anymore even for this, I would follow Voltaire's advice to cultivate my "garden" by giving the suffering my time and presence in making this quilt. It honors all parents with their hands to work and hearts to G-d, to build a "log cabin" and feather that nest with crochet, sweet curtains and chic abstract trees of life.

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Uvalde Log Cabin, 51x51, May 2022, commercial and upcycled textiles

How do we deal with news of human suffering on a global scale? Voltaire wrote Candide as a way to process a 1755 earthquake, which he never would have had to know about except as a tale brought to town by merchants. But communication technology required him to witness the event. And we must honor what we witness with our time and our presence, which is prayer. On the day that communication technology had me witness a man kill 19 children and their teachers while their parents listened helplessly outside as the police did worse than nothing, I slowed down, set my intention, and put my phone away so that although I cannot weep anymore even for this, I would follow Voltaire's advice to cultivate my "garden" by giving the suffering my time and presence in making this quilt. It honors all parents with their hands to work and hearts to G-d, to build a "log cabin" and feather that nest with crochet, sweet curtains and chic abstract trees of life.

Uvalde Log Cabin, 51x51, May 2022, commercial and upcycled textiles

How do we deal with news of human suffering on a global scale? Voltaire wrote Candide as a way to process a 1755 earthquake, which he never would have had to know about except as a tale brought to town by merchants. But communication technology required him to witness the event. And we must honor what we witness with our time and our presence, which is prayer. On the day that communication technology had me witness a man kill 19 children and their teachers while their parents listened helplessly outside as the police did worse than nothing, I slowed down, set my intention, and put my phone away so that although I cannot weep anymore even for this, I would follow Voltaire's advice to cultivate my "garden" by giving the suffering my time and presence in making this quilt. It honors all parents with their hands to work and hearts to G-d, to build a "log cabin" and feather that nest with crochet, sweet curtains and chic abstract trees of life.